Saturday, March 10, 2012

3-10-2012: Where did the last a bunch of days go?

So. I've acknowledged that I got a couple days behind on my blog. But It's been more than a week. What is this crap?

Anyway. My room is really clean. Kind of. Waiting on the cable guy at the moment. Been watching way too much Channel Fireball. Had a few fun days. Had a few mediocre days. Had no bad days. So I'm pretty alright with that.

When my room's clean completely I'm going to get vry srs about my diet. For now, I've been rewarding myself with doritos locos tacos for cleaning.

There's a video of my room on facebook. I don't imagine you're reading this if we're not buddies there.

Other than that, I'm going to start sending out my resume and applying for other jobs again. 3 weeks is long enough to wait for a callback.

<3 u gaiz.

Friday, March 2, 2012

3-1-2012: Aderall

Hello friends. Today I took prescription drugs that were not prescribed to me. If you're reading this, you already know me, so I see no reason to defend myself. I have a whole lot to say about this experience, but much of it will have to wait at least a few hours if not until tomorrow.

I've had a really good couple of days. Very thankful for my friends and my God, and J.R.R. Tolkien. And friendship cake :3

Oh, I forgot to publish this post 12 hours ago. Welp.