Saturday, March 10, 2012

3-10-2012: Where did the last a bunch of days go?

So. I've acknowledged that I got a couple days behind on my blog. But It's been more than a week. What is this crap?

Anyway. My room is really clean. Kind of. Waiting on the cable guy at the moment. Been watching way too much Channel Fireball. Had a few fun days. Had a few mediocre days. Had no bad days. So I'm pretty alright with that.

When my room's clean completely I'm going to get vry srs about my diet. For now, I've been rewarding myself with doritos locos tacos for cleaning.

There's a video of my room on facebook. I don't imagine you're reading this if we're not buddies there.

Other than that, I'm going to start sending out my resume and applying for other jobs again. 3 weeks is long enough to wait for a callback.

<3 u gaiz.

Friday, March 2, 2012

3-1-2012: Aderall

Hello friends. Today I took prescription drugs that were not prescribed to me. If you're reading this, you already know me, so I see no reason to defend myself. I have a whole lot to say about this experience, but much of it will have to wait at least a few hours if not until tomorrow.

I've had a really good couple of days. Very thankful for my friends and my God, and J.R.R. Tolkien. And friendship cake :3

Oh, I forgot to publish this post 12 hours ago. Welp.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

2-28-2012: Irony

Hello friends, after everything I said in my last blog, my entry for the 28th is coming out on "actually" the 29th. *shrug* I don't care.

Today I learned a few things about life:
-Trilogies make more sense in order.
-You always get more of the incense that smells meh than the one that smells amazing.
-Francis Chan knows how to teach me.
-Monster Hunter is exactly as good as I thought it was.
-Wine and Taco Bell make cleaning much better. Not at the same time >.>
-I have way too much crap.

I've been watching Ong Bak all evening, and as good as I remember it being, it's way, way better with the first two played immediately before it. And I think I might subconsciously understand the Thai language. I'm not even *really* watching the movie, so I'm not reading subtitles, but I understand everything that's happening somehow. Now that I've wasted your time and mine getting small talk out of the way:

I have a big, big, bad, mean, ugly, giant pride issue. I somehow didn't notice it for a large part of the last 3-5 years, but it's stuck to the back of my eyelids now, and every time I blink I see it. It's telling me that I *am* as awesome as I think I am, and I *can* do everything I believe I can do, but it has absolutely nothing to do with what I know and what I've earned. Nothing to do with how I act, or why I do the things I do. Everything about me that is awesome - and there is a lot - comes from a beautiful mind in the metaphorical skull of my creator.

I don't know if I'm "in denial" about the issue, but I've admitted it, and I'm aware of it, so I don't think so. I don't know if I'm realizing it in the wrong way or something, but I'm pretty sure people view pride the wrong way. I am awesome. I am amazing. And I ****ing better be, The Lord of All Creation made me in *His* image! I don't believe my problem lies in my self-image or sense of self, but in my response to it. I have credited myself for many things for a long time, and I want to stop and respect God and give Him credit where credit is due - which is to say, everywhere.


Monday, February 27, 2012

2-27-2012: Last minute

Hello friends, I usually don't care about what day it "literally" is, in regards to before or after midnight on a given day, but so far I've posted every day, so I want to keep it that way. I'm cleaning my room some more today.

Yesterday I worked on the bed/entertainment area mostly. It looks great, and it's still looking great. My feng shui is drooling, lol.

Today I'm working on the game area and my computer table. If I finish that and just need to clean some more, I'll move on to the desk. If it happens again, I'll start on the couch. Things are getting done up in here.

Auf wiedersehen. I think that's how you spell that....

2-26-2012: Redux

I cleaned a bunch. Not close to done yet, but the bed/entertainment area looks purdy good. And all the shelves in frame are organized, but the picture doesn't show it.

More tomorrow.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

2-26-2012: Silver Medal

That awkward moment when what you want to blog about is too weird to share with people who might or might not be reading this. So I'll talk about the second thing I want to blog about today.

Singing. I love singing. Most people in a given situation look for a reason not to sing in public. They will do pretty much anything to not sing when they have a chance to sing. I think people should look for reasons to sing. There are plenty of times when not singing is acceptable, but most of them are sad. There are so few times when singing is acceptable. I don't like that. I want to sing when I'm happy, I want to sing when I'm uncomfortable, I want to sing when people don't want to sing.


Also I'm cleaning my room.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

2-25-2012: Table of Contents

Good afternoon, friends.

I've decided to organize how I blog. Because not everything I'm going to want to talk about will pertain to my fat ass or dirty room. Here is a rough schedule for what a week in the Jerm will be.

Monday: Diet and Exercise progress, etc.
Tuesday: Random Topic #1.
Wednesday: Dungeons and Dragons, gurrl.
Thursday: Random Topic #2.
Friday: Get to know the author day. The day where I expose information about myself.
Saturday: Random Topic #3.
Sunday: Religious thoughts. Why not? It's Sunday, right? Perhaps also an overview of the week.

Being the author, I also retain the ability to stray as far from the given topic as I want on any given day. And I probably will pretty regularly. And I like starting sentences with "and" because rules are stupid. And good day.

Friday, February 24, 2012

2-24-2012: Greetings

Hello, friends. I am messy. I am overweight. I am unemployed. I am single. I am struggling with my religion. I love you for reading this. Let's get started shall we?

I got on the scale when I woke up today, and I weigh 230 lbs. What this means is that I have gained back half of the weight that I lost between 2005 and 2007. I'm not ok with that. I'm not going to bore you with details about every calorie I consume, and every minute I spend exercising, but know that I am boring myself with it :P. I will periodically post pictures of the particularly pretty delicious and nutritious things I make. Like this:

Grilled Salmon with lemon pepper and garlic topped with avocado. Steamed broccoli and the remaining half of avocado on the side. Om nom nom.

My living space is not fit for most animals. Dirty dishes everywhere, the floor is lined with dirty laundry, and there is no space to exist because of all the garbage. I'm also not ok with that.

And that picture is probably better than it looks as I'm typing this up.

The other issues I find with myself aren't so easy to take pictures of, but I'm really trying to work on them in so much as I can.

Welcome to ground zero.